Violence directed against women is a pervasive and multifaceted phenomenon that strikes all of our societies. It is incumbent on each of us to respond to what, in the final analysis has shown itself to be one of the most insidious and widespread forms of human rights violation and discrimination.

Violence cannot be considered an individual and private matter but rather, has to be faced as a general responsibility; institutions, political and civil society must all work to prevent and contrast any kind of violence.

With this in mind we founded the no profit organization Hands Off Women (HOW) promoter of the Worldwide Network HOW, an acronym that implies the desire to find out HOW to solve these problems and that will be an informal network of people and associations operating to contrast all forms of violence. This network will also work at the international level, overcoming any ideological barrier, any political difference, any difference of opinion and culture in pursuit of a common goal: to create tools, actions, collaborations, exchanges of good practices, and training to enhance the opposition to violence against women and to help victims feel less alone and more aware of any tools available to them.

Hands Off Women – HOW together with other Italian Associations, has organized in Italy, Rome, on Friday November 23rd, 2012 the press conference for the launch of the Worldwide Network HOW and proposed the “Chart of Intents” opened to be signed by everyone interested to share such ideas and actions.

By the end of the Event Day, Hands off Women – HOW will propose a “Chart of Intents” of the Worldwide Network HOW to be signed by all the participants, the working agenda will be forwarded to you as soon as it has been finalized.